Sunday, November 16, 2014

My book, "Landscape Painting- The Art of Seeing & Doing" available now as ebook

Written and produced in 2004 as a CD Rom...and sold throughout the international market.  Questions have oft asked why I didn't put a traditional cover to cover book.  At that interests were not a kudos as having a "book" to my credit, nor concerns on marketing.  It was strictly as an artist and instructor what content I would want novices to intermediates to have.  With traditional books come editors and publishers, concerned with costs and profit.  Paper expense, etc; and that inevitable suggestion of saving content for a future book.  The CD Rom then gave me a great deal of room and full control.

The last fifty pages are a book within the book, called "Rants and Tidbits" which address many questions asked of me by artists over the years, plus other thoughts and muse.

Now...ten years later, and technology making such attractive as a seller...I am venturing into the ebook and downloadable instructional videos world.  Thus...what was $25 for a physical CD Rom, labels, packaging and shipping is now available at what I think is a very good price of $15...

Check my ebook download page out, the book's table of contents...

Landscape Painting- The Art of Seeing and Doing

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